Rights in Business Central for using DocuBuilder App

Rights in Business Central for using DocuBuilder App

After the installation of the DocuBuilder for Business Central App 2 special 'permission sets' are automatically created, to be used for managing the DocuBuilder Buttons.Here is described how to link these 'permission sets' to the user groups.

ONLY Business Central - On Premise - Enabling access to APIs.
See System requirements - Business Central - On Premise

Step by Step

  1. Search for Permission Sets:


  2. Enter [Permission Set by User Group]:

  3. Activate the 'Permission Set' DocuBuilder User to All user groups (=advice) or activate only other certain user groups:


  4. Activate the 'Permission Set' DocuBuilder Admin to the groups, which should be given the rights to manage the DocuBuilder Buttons in the Business Central Navigation Pane: