System requirements - Business Central - On Premise

System requirements - Business Central - On Premise

ONLY Business Central - On Premise - Enable access to the APIs

The DocuBuilder for Dynamics 365 Business Central App uses APIs to connect to Business Central. This means that these APIs must be given access in Business Central. Below is a description of how to do that. For more detailed information on this, see Enabling the APIs for Dynamics 365 Business Central at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/business-central/dev-itpro/api-reference/v2.0/enabling-apis-for-dynamics-nav

  1. Open the Dynamics 365 Business Central administration program.

  2. Expand the OData Services tab, and first select the Enable OData Services check box, and then select the Enable API Services check box.

  3. Verify that the values for the OData Base URL and Port are entered correctly.When you expose a web service, you must open the port so that other users of your web service can access it. You can have your system administrator add the port through Windows Firewall on the computer running Dynamics 365 Business Central server. The default port for OData web services is 7048.

  4. In Dynamics 365 Business Central, search for API Setup and then choose the corresponding link.

  5. On the API Setup page, choose the Integrate APIs button. This starts a process to populate all integration tables with records for all APIs. This process can take several minutes.


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