Step 2a - Connect DocuBuilder to Dynamics 365 Sales.

Step 2a - Connect DocuBuilder to Dynamics 365 Sales.

Connect the Dynamics 365 Sales service account with DocuBuilder.

To create the service account see Step 1 - Create a service account in Dymamics 365 Sales

Step by Step

  1. The confirmation email with actions to perform before first use of the software contains the appendix description of the cloud environment.
    This manual is different for each customer and can be found in the customer portal.
    The first chapter of this manual describes the URL of the DocuBuilder environment used.

  2. Start DocuBuilder via this URL: https://xxxxxxx.platform.documizers.com/DocuBuilder where xxxxx is the environment(=instance) name.

  3. DocuBuilder starts with the login page. Fill in Username and Password and press [Login].
    This first time the setup is started, a temporary user firstsetup@documizers.com is used.
    To change this, see: DocuBuilder - Aanpassen wachtwoord tijdelijke gebruiker firstsetup@documizers.com (tot versie 6.1.59)archived


  4. From the DocuBuilder home screen, proceed to the Settings.
    Click on "Your Company" → Settings


  5. In Settings, go to: Microsoft CRM (1) → Settings (2)

    1. fill in the URL with which the Dynamics 365 Sales environment is accessible (3).

    2. fill in the username (4) and password (5) of the service account of Dynamics 365 Sales.For the rights on this service account see: Step 1 - Create a service account in Dymamics 365 Sales

    3. only for users who use Microsoft CRM on premise (i.e. not Dynamics 365 online) the CRM organization (6) must also be filled in. these on-premise environments must be accessible from the cloud environment of DocuBuilder.


  6. Test the connection (7) and save the changes (8)


  7. Open the CRMconnector settings (9)The CRMconnector is a separate component in DocuBuillder for the purpose of starting from Dynamics 365 Sales.
    This component provides a solution in Dynamics 365 Sales, with configurable buttons in Dynamics 365 Sales.

    1. Copy the data of the service account of the connection of DocuBuilder (see previous paragraph) to the connection data for the CRM connector (10)

    2. Test the connection (11) and close the screen (12)