Systeem eisen - Business Central - On Premise

Systeem eisen - Business Central - On Premise

ALLEEN Business Central - On Premise - Enable access to the APIs

De DocuBuilder for Dynamics 365 Business Central App gebruikt API’s voor de verbinding met Business Central. Dit betekent dat deze API’s toegang moet krijgen in Business Central.
Hieronder staat beschreven hoe die te doen. Voor meer gedetailleerde informatie hierover zie Enabling the APIs for Dynamics 365 Business Central bij docs.microsoft.com.

  1. Open Dynamics 365 Business Central Administration tool.

  2. Expand the OData Services tab, and select the Enable OData Services checkbox first, then select the Enable API Services checkbox.

  3. Check that the values for the OData Base URL and Port are entered correctly.
    When exposing a web service, you must open the port for other consumers of your web service to access it. You can have your system administrator add the port through Windows Firewall on the computer running Dynamics 365 Business Central server. The default port for OData web services is 7048.

  4. In Dynamics 365 Business Central, search for API Setup and then choose the related link.

  5. On the API Setup page, choose the Integrate APIs button.
    This will start a process of populating all the integration tables with records for all APIs. The process can take several minutes.


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