Templates and text blocks - standard installation

Templates and text blocks - standard installation

After the activation of the environment, the following templates and text blocks are installed. The administrator can adjust his/her own settings here.

To keep this environment well-organized, text blocks have been created only for the stationery.
DocuBuilder, however, has very many possibilities when using text blocks.
For an extensive description see: Manage templates and text blocks

Delivered items:

  1. Dunning letters

  2. Purchase orders

  3. Purchase framework contracts

  4. Packing slips (booked sales shipments)

  5. Sales credit notes

  6. Sales invoices

  7. Sales quotations

  8. Sell order confirmations

  9. Sales framework contracts

Of each component, 6 templates have been delivered, 3 of which are in Dutch and 3 in English:

Lay-out 1

Lay-out 2