Create new users

After DocuBuilder has been successfully linked to your Business Central environment, the users who will create documents from Business Central must beGo in Business Central to the user management in DocuBuilder Settings

Further detailed description for user management can be found at Gebruikers DocuBuilder

Please note: an important aspect of creating new users is the link from Business Central to DocuBuilder.
See Stap 5: Externe omgevingen

The DocuBuilder environment is created with templates and text blocks in 3 house styles. In the environment 3 separate roles are created, each containing a house style.

Each user automatically gets the rights to all 3 house styles. So initially you don't have to do anything.
Only later, after the desired house style is selected, the rights on these roles are adjusted so that the user only gets to see the desired house style.
For managing this, see: Rollen en Rechten (Roles)